Position Title
Major(s): Mathematical Analytics and Operations Research
Year: Senior
Major(s): Mathematical Analytics and Operations Research
Year: Senior
E-mail: qahernandez@ucdavis.edu
Why would you want to serve?
Progress in education doesn’t come without the voices of students. I want to bring my experiences to the discussion of how we can challenge the status quo and further improve the undergraduate experience for my fellow Aggies and Aggies of the future.
What issues do you feel are important for undergraduate students?
Mental Health: I feel the stigma on mental health has been moving in the right direction over the past couple years, however it continues to be a prominent issue for undergraduate students resulting in distress, anxiety, depression, and poor academic performance.
Student Empowerment: The greatest good any institution can do is instill confidence in its students. The benefits of confidence are numerous such as improved mental health, ability to take risks, improved leadership and more that create a positive ripple effect. Beyond instilling confidence, I believe another aspect of student empowerment is to empower them to pursue their ambitions. Many majors are stigmatized. For example, as a math major I often get “What’re you even going to do with math? You should just study computer science.” Yet, math majors are found in nearly every industry, and especially among tech companies math majors are highly valued. Career paths are almost as unique as individuals themselves, and no student should feel as though they have to follow a formulaic walk of life because of their major.
Diversity & Inclusion: D&I is often used in terms of race, however I think the Davis community does an excellent job at creating a welcoming atmosphere for students from any racial/ethnic background to feel accepted and find a home. I believe the biggest diversity and inclusion issue that needs to be addressed is in socioeconomic terms. Students from poorer backgrounds are fighting an uphill battle. There are many great programs to help close this gap such as Avenue e, EOP, First Generation Initiative, etc., but this is not an issue we can be complacent on. Davis should continue to strive for an equal playing field among all its students. Another issue I’ve seen is regarding women in STEM, specifically the TEM terms. It’s important to ensure women feel a sense of belonging and assured they are surrounded by allies, both from students and faculty.