Michael Bradford, M.F.A. Vice Provost and Dean (530) 752-9986 mlbradford@ucdavis.edu Michael Bradford leadership biography 1385 The Grove / 550 Hutchison Dr.
Milmon F. Harrison, Ph.D. Associate Vice Provost, Academic Programs (530) 219-3362 mfharrison@ucdavis.edu 1375 The Grove / 550 Hutchison Dr.
Joanna Johnson, Ph.D. Associate Vice Provost, Writing Center Associate Professor of English joajohnson@ucdavis.edu Teaching and Learning Complex, fourth floor
Matt Traxler, Ph.D. Associate Vice Provost for Student Success and Distinguished Professor of Psychology (530) 752-1277 mjtraxler@ucdavis.edu 1373 The Grove
Kayton Chappell Carter, M.A. Executive Director, Academic Advising Enrichment, Undergraduate Education (530) 754-6279 kaycarter@ucdavis.edu https://academicadvising.ucdavis.edu/people/kayton-carter 1351 The Grove
Meghan McMahon Johnson, D.M., M.S.C. Executive Director for Academic Programs, Undergraduate Education 530-752-8641 mmcmahonjohnson@ucdavis.edu 1383 The Grove / 550 Hutchison Dr.