Shelby Marie Salyer

Person Placeholder

Position Title
Major: Political Science and History
Year: Senior


Major: Political Science and History
Year: Senior
Email: smsalyer@ucdavis.ed

What do you do on campus? What are you a part of, or are you passionate about at Davis?

On campus, I'm part of the Davis Political Review, an LGBTQIA+ research group, a performance group, and was the former ASUCD External Affairs Commission Chair. I'm passionate about pushing for student representation at all levels of the university and translating that representation into meaningful policy change. I'm also passionate about Title IX policy at UC Davis and resources/support for students.

Why did you join SAB?

I joined SAB to push for an intersectional approach to academics/academic policy at UC Davis that addresses the barriers present in undergraduate education. My favorite part of SAB is getting to hear the diverse issues and experiences that other SAB members bring to the table.
