
Project Helping Instructors Improve Accessibility

“As you can see from this slide …” may not be an uncommon expression used at lecterns to introduce an image.

But in classrooms or online, not every student may be able to see what’s on a screen well enough — or even at all — to learn from it.

UC Davis revamps leadership education

Undergraduate student participants at the 2025 Aggies Leading the Way! Conference were offered the chance to find clarity through Life Design. The Center for Leadership Learning's flagship annual conference also provided students a sneak peek at new programming the center plans to roll out in the fall.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference returns for 9th year

UC Davis faculty and instructors share research and discoveries to improve teaching and learning at the ninth Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (or SoTL) Conference in the ARC Ballroom Dec. 10. 

The committee planned the 2024 conference around the theme, “The SoTL Cycle: Innovate, Assess, Evolve,” which is dedicated to the celebration of the UC Davis community of educators.