Mention First-Year Seminars to UC Davis students and alumni and you’ll most likely hear a positive recollection.
Recalling his time in a Sports Law First-Year Seminar, attorney Scott Judson, who graduated with his undergraduate degree in 2009, said he still remembers his experience 18 years ago.
“In my seminar, I built a relationship with the professor, had dynamic discussions with others and developed skills that helped shape me into the attorney I am today,” he said.
When Erin Park came to UC Davis in 2022, she enrolled in the University Honors Program, or UHP. Park, now a double major in cognitive science and design, quickly realized how special the honors program experience was for her and many others.
UC Davis offers hundreds of classes during Summer Sessions, or fourth quarter, as it is affectionately known on campus. Most courses take place during the two six-week sessions, with Session I beginning June 24. With input from the Summer Sessions student assistants, we compiled a list of reasons Summer Sessions may be perfect for you.
A record number of undergraduate students are slated to present at the 35th Annual Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities Conference April 26 and 27. According to the UC Davis Undergraduate Research Center, which hosts the event, the 2024 conference includes 884 student presenters – more than any previous year.
Early Saturday morning, the campus is relatively quiet. Across from the Manetti Shrem Museum, however, students gather inside the UC Davis Conference Center. As they check-in, find their name tags, grab breakfast and mingle, featured morning speaker Christina L. Jackson prepares to give her keynote address.