Teaching and Learning

First-Year Seminars prove transformational to new students

Mention First-Year Seminars to UC Davis students and alumni and you’ll most likely hear a positive recollection. 

Recalling his time in a Sports Law First-Year Seminar, attorney Scott Judson, who graduated with his undergraduate degree in 2009, said he still remembers his experience 18 years ago.

 “In my seminar, I built a relationship with the professor, had dynamic discussions with others and developed skills that helped shape me into the attorney I am today,” he said.

10th Annual Academic Advising Conference takes place in April

Academic Advising Enrichment brings together more than 150 undergraduate academic advisors for the 10th annual Academic Advising Conference April 30. This year’s topic, “Empower advisors: fostering a culture of engaged learning and continuous improvement,” aims to reinvigorate advisers and support them in their integral roles in helping UC Davis students reach their academic goals.